What is a Masters in Finance Degree

Master in Finance degree programs provide students with the necessary skills to meet the demands of today’s competitive marketplace. The degree prepares students for a wide range of careers in the finance industry, including positions in management and leadership. The programs typically require one to two years of study and core courses often include accounting, corporate finance, financial management, financial economics, and financial risk management. Most programs do not require a thesis component. Students spend a great deal of time researching, analyzing, and writing. These master’s degree programs usually require a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. Most programs do not require degrees in a related area, like business or finance. Individuals who complete a masters in finance degree reap various benefits, such as higher salaries, a wide range of career options, and a solid understanding to manage current financial challenges. Many programs also prepare students for professional certifications, like the Chartered Financial Analyst. Many top rated schools offer online Masters in Finance degree programs to meet the needs of busy professionals who are seeking a more flexible graduate education.

How To Find The Best Masters in Finance Degree Programs

When searching for the best Masters in Finance degrees, it is essential to consider a variety of key characteristics that make some programs better than other ones. Finding out if an institution is accredited is one of the most crucial factors of picking the right program. Accreditation shows that a school has met certain requirements to grant high quality degrees. The ranking of a college or university is also helpful in choosing a program and various credible organizations, such as the U.S. News and World Report, rank both undergraduate and graduate institutions on numerous criteria. Other aspects to consider when looking for the best masters in finance program include tuition rates, program requirements, credentials of faculty members, and academic resources. Purdue University, Columbia University, and Massachusetts Institute of Technology are examples of the top schools that offer Master in Finance degrees. In addition to the high rated campus-based programs, Pennsylvania State University offers one of the best online Master in Finance degree programs. The program requires an undergraduate degree in any major, GMAT or GRE scores, resume, one-page statement on professional goals, and letters of recommendation.

Our Rankings

Prospective students may choose to consult our editors’ own rankings of degree programs in finance and closely related areas.

Top 10 Online Master’s in Finance Degree Programs
Top 10 Online MBA in Finance Degree Programs
Top 10 Online Master’s in Economics Degree Programs
Top 10 Online Economics Degree Programs (Bachelor’s)
Top 10 Online Finance Degree Programs (Bachelor’s)

Popular Careers and Expected Salaries For Masters in Finance Degree Holders

If you’re wondering, “what can I do with a masters in finance?” you can be assured there is a wide variety of Master in Finance jobs for individuals who complete this degree. Additionally, the job outlook is very positive and graduates of Master in Finance degrees are in high demand by many different companies and organizations around the country. Examples of potential careers include a budget analyst, risk manager, financial advisor, and stock broker. A budget analyst evaluates accounting data to determine the needed financial resources to employ programs and also provides recommendations for budget allowances. A risk manager creates and allocates risk management and loss prevention initiatives. A financial advisor helps clients manage their money by assisting with budgets, saving for retirement, investments, and reducing debt. A stock broker markets the products and services of a particular company to clients and prospects. Masters in Finance degree salaries vary widely by many different factors including employer, location, education, and experience. The median yearly salary for budget analysts is $49,115; risk managers $98,370; financial advisors $64,750; and stock brokers $56,693.  As you can see, achieving your Masters in Finance should afford you a long and lucrative career.