Masters in Finance Rankings

Masters in Finance RankingsIf you want to start a career in finance, you should investigate Masters in Finance rankings to find the best graduate-level program for your needs. Graduates of the best accredited Masters in Finance degree programs find careers in financial analysis, investment management and corporate finance. Before pursuing a Masters in Finance, students should earn a bachelor’s degree in business, finance, economics or another field that requires courses in mathematics, economics and accounting. Over the course of one to two years, full-time students can earn a Masters in Finance degree from a traditional school or from one of the top online Masters in Finance degree programs.

What to Look For in Masters in Finance Rankings

Because education requires a significant investment of time and money, prospective students depend on college rankings to make informed decisions on where to pursue their degrees. Rankings of Masters in Finance degree programs are based on the perception of the program by corporate recruiters and the directors of other programs in the field, the difficulty of earning acceptance into the program and the success of graduates. Some of the best Masters in Finance degree programs offer students the opportunity to specialize in subjects like financial technologies and financial engineering and risk management in addition to taking required courses such as investment banking, corporate governance, financial management and financial statement analysis. Top-rated Masters in Finance degree programs cover some of the same business management material as the related Masters in Business Administration (MBA) degree but exposes students to more in-depth study of financial computer, financial economics and market theory. The best Masters in Finance degree programs offered by traditional schools may require a residency or internship as part of the program. The best online Masters in Finance degree programs provide a flexible schedule for full-time working professionals while still covering the full curriculum required to earn a Master in Finance degree.

Examples of Masters in Finance Rankings

U.S. News and World Report and Financial Times are two of the most well-known publications that rank finance schools. Financial Times publishes one set of rankings of Masters in Finance degree programs for prospective students who already have work experience and one for those students who have just earned their undergraduate degrees. U.S. News lists the University of Pennsylvania (Wharton) in Philadelphia as the highest-ranked finance school. Financial Times ranks Brandeis University in Waltham, Massachusetts as the best pre-experience program in the United States (17th on its international list) and George Washington University in Washington, D.C., as the best post-experience program in the United States (second on the international list). U.S. News lists Northeastern University at the top of its online Masters in Finance rankings. If you are seeking a career in finance, Masters in Finance rankings like these can help you decide the best way to further your education.